Thursday 10 November 2011

Happy, Perky and with a smile on my face

I've no idea why but I've had such a great start to the day and in a very perky mood =D

Wrote this little algorithm which was pretty simple but gave me a few small sticking points (who knew you can only redim on the second dimension of an array in VBA? Well, I do now I suppose - "Every day's a School Day')

After finishing that, looked at a few jobs online - I'm hoping there'll be similar jobs in the next six months because in all honesty I'm not ready to go into one of them (the web design kind) - I still need to brush up the skills, learn a few APIs, do some practise sites, more importantly build DataView and have a significant number of decents blog posts on 3D. But come March time hopefully I'll be ready for it =D How much would I love that kind of work!

But for the time being I'm in a good mood and hope to ride it for as long as I can.... lol

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