Monday 7 November 2011

Welcome to Midvale

Ok, so it's currently a few degrees above freezing. It's not very warm... I'm sat having a naughty pint while indulging in a little people watching (and blogging a little lol). Btw, no, I can't afford it and yes, it is in breach of NoVendre but if you could see the expression on my face right now, you'd realise just how much I care ;-)

So, back to the narrative... There are two doors, one always locked, the other which, from the outside, you have to push to open. Everyone with me? So, the scene is set...

So far tonight I've seen at least a dozen people (no word of a lie) pull the door you're mean to push, give up on that fruitless venture and push the locked door... and then pull it.

They then read an A4 sign on the door, presumably for inspiration, which says:

"Please assist us in keeping the bar cost by closing the door behind you. Thank you!"

As if this has given the imbeciles the answer they searched for, they then eventually happen to push the door and joyfully gain entrance, leaving the door wide open...

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