Friday 11 November 2011

Trust no-one, true fact

So, I was sat at a table in my local. Alone. Nothing special there... A couple asked if they could sit at my table, given I was the only one sat there... Nothing special there either. One of them comments that I shouldn't be sat on my own (regardless of whether I want to be or not..? Lol) Again, nothing new. I go for a cigarette, leaving my belongings at the table... Yes, a little stupid, but yes, you guessed it, nothing new. I come back and everything's still there... as usual. I've kept an eye out from outside as I always do, so all's good.

What didn't I notice? That the stupid bitch dropped a pill in my pint (because obviously it would turn me into the sociable 'normal' person I 'should' be...) Then I spend a good 1.5 hours giggling to myself and acting like a schoolgirl... Anyone who'd met me before thought I was just a little drunk (because I don't show that kind of thing at all... That's just me...) And not that mind acting like that, but I do so *when I choose* ... Even now I know I'm struggling to type correctly. Fcukwit

People who give away drugs to those who want them, go for it - I'm sure both parties feel the better for it... Personally, I don't want drugs At all (apart from nicotine, alcohol and caffeine) - if I don't ask for it, don't slip it me.

People who do so should burn.

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