Thursday 3 November 2011

Risk Taker..!


Well worked on this application for almost a week... Half tested it and debugged but have just been overwhelmed with apathy though fcuk it.... It's heading toward 9pm, so ditched the testing and just ran the bugger in the live environment. Oh, I live life on the edge, I do Thank god I haven't had any failures yet 'cause any of these records get screwed up it won't be pretty...



OK, of a total 171: 118 succesfully created, 30 succesfully updated and 23 failed......

There are 23 properties in the dataset and I don't care about them, it's just the other stuff attached to them that I really care about so fingers crossed... =]



OK, the 23 failures are:

(a) not my fault, but the fault of the CRM hosting company. I've sent a happy chirpy email asking them to fix it. Or else pml =D
(b)Can be easily updated by the minions in the call centre tomorrow ...


God I hate this system.

I'm going home. (Is it me or were there a lot of '...'s in that post ha ha ha)

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