Friday 4 November 2011

Bring on the weekend

Well as Friday grinds ever on I'm so looking forward to the weekend. This week has been torture and has urged me on and on to get the few qualifications I need to get a better job. don't get me wrong, it's a very nice company with nice people but the systems I have to work with are complete nightmares, the "let's just do it this way and fix it later" approach has totally screwed up what was a well functioning process. A few mySQL/Java/Web development qualifications under my belt and I can go for a decent development or DBA job in a big financial company... =D

The fact that I'm so looking forward to the weekend is testament enough that I'm not enjoying ti here. I have always really enjoyed my work and have never been in a hurry to get out of the office. I know, I know, data geek but I'm happy with that. I always felt a little sorry for people who don't love their jobs, the people who work always looking forward to the weekend - Waste five days looking forward to two?! That's no way to live your life. Now I'm becoming one of them. That's a good enough reason as any other to move on. Hopefully by March I'll be in a position to do so but we'll have to see.

In the meantime, I can throw myself as much as possible into the 'non-day job' work I do, so the web development, posts the new blog (I have about 35 ideas for posts now which will take me long enough to write but will be a very firm grounding!), the techy lectures to watch and study... In fact the two latter will be very useful when it comes to finding a new job - it'll look very impressive on my CV methinks...

Anyway, better get back to the ETL work, got to transform and load that data!!! ha ha ha =] Only about two hours to go... =D

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