Thursday 3 November 2011

"No Vendre"

So, in November, I ain't gonna have much/any money having just moved into my new flat...

I figure I should turn it on it's head and see just how little it's actually possible to live on... I remember being at Uni when I could easily survive on £20 per week... OK, maybe I could easily survive on £60 p/w, but I remember that £20 was very possible: it happened often enough lol.

Also, if I'm going to be a hermit/social ghost for the month of November, there are other things I keep procrastinating about... (kind of in the same I'm procrastinating about doing work now...)

- Posts on my new Data blog (been putting that one off for quite a while now!)
- Watch the 40 hours of techy IT lectures I downloaded...
- Meditation
- The compositions for my Quintet
- Reading (there're something like 19 unread books on my kindle atm)
- Development of my dynamic website...
- Writing (Voscani Chronicles, the Path of the Oracle, White Vampire) ... short stories....
- Exercise?!?! ha ha (would potentially go well with less smoking and/or drinking...)
- Practicing Whistle, flute, 'corder...
- Random shite like.... movies, internet, sleeping.....

See plenty to do...

Speaking of procrastination... I'm going for a smoke before trying to finish off my work.... grrr... lol

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