Thursday 3 November 2011

Just so that you know...

Ok, so I waffle... lots... I have a lot of cognitive gunge that needs to be excreted...

My family's on FaceBook, as are my friends. Can't say whatever I think there.

I use Twitter for work. Also, Twitter has never been known for it's waffle-appeal. (Perhaps Micro-waffle..?)

I often want to waffle some boring stuff and don't particularly want to say it to anyone in particular... So this blog is my little corner of the web where I'm going spew garbage and brain fart till my heart's content.

As far as I'm concerned, in this corner of the web, posts don't need to make sense, they don't need to be eloquent, they don't need to be interesting to anyone but me (or even me for that matter). I'm not writing on here to entertain you... Sorry. If you don't like, I've heard that these days there are one or two other blogs on the web, so you may want to try finding one of those?

If, by some strange twist of fate (or mental retardation) you find something interesting, good for you =]

Well, there we go. First post. yay! =D

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