Saturday 12 November 2011

Things which *aft gan aglay*

(or however it's meant to be spelt...!) lol

After a fairly (or to be truthful, a *very*) shitty day at work, I agreed to go for a pint with a few colleagues from work.

It was actually nice to have a drink and chat with people who know me well enough to let me have pretty much full and honest conversations on topics I'm interested in.

But, of course, as it always does, it lasted longer than intended. By 9.30pm we had gone to another colleagues birthday party...

Not that it was bad going to his party because there weren't many people there and he's a pretty decent bloke who deserves a pretty decent turnout but I didn't want to stay out so long lol =D

Oh well... *The best laid plans of mice and men...* =D

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